Region VISION Conference
Region 6 VISION
Region 6 (Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma & New Mexico) will offer and host a national conference to train student leaders and advisers. The Region 6 VISION (Value, Inspire, Share, Insight, Opportunity, Network) Conference is open to any student, advisers & principal in the United States, Puerto Rico and around the world. The purpose of the conference is to meet and network with other leaders from across the U.S. and around the world, obtain new ideas from informative speakers and workshops and ascertain innovative ideas about service learning.
Participants will come away with renewed enthusiasm for student council involvement at their schools, new projects and ideas to implement and stronger leadership skills and friendships.
Lake Hamilton High School
280 Wolf Street
Pearcy, AR 71964
Date: June 20 - 23, 2019
Theme: The Natural State of Leadership
Cost: $175 per person, $55 Swag Swap package
Pre-Conference Event:
Thursday, June 19 - Hot Springs Health & Fitness
Airport: Clinton National Airport, Little Rock (LIT)
TN Deadline for Registration: April 28, 2019
TN Deadline for Delegate Information Form & Payment Due: May 10, 2019
There will be no refunds for cancellations, however substitutions may be made.
Please contact Traci Spain if you are interested in attending -